A little bit about my childhood

I'm sure you can remember any unusual things from your childhood. Today I'll share with you some of mine. But I will tell one of the lighter, I'll leave my mischief – like poisoning my mother’s plants thinking that I was doing science, or put on short-circuit the wiring of my grandma's house just because I could swore that I was going to get revolutionize technology using old appliance parts at my grandpa's workshop – for another time.
I still remember Solange, a nanny that took care of me and my brothers. She was skinny, buck-toothed and let me just say that she didn’t care about her appearance. Thinking back, I guess that she was only a few years older than me, but at that time, the difference was huge. It was from her that I learned to love Michael Jackson and do prank calls – Who never did something like that? – By the way, I remembered one situation that she ate an entire can of condensed milk and wanted to put the blame on us. I cannot remember exactly how my mom reacted, but I bet she was furious.
I do not know what happened to Solange. Last time I heard from her, she got married and had a son, who she obviously named Michael.
The TV show's logo
And speaking of prank calls, I remember used the phone to make a buck. Back on the eighties, it had a TV show called “TV Pow”, where the spectators called and the presenter guided him during the game. The person had to scream like crazy the word “POW” to make points that were converted to money.
Mine was  blue
I cannot precise how much I won, but I never saw one penny of that money. First, because I didn’t care about it at the time and second – and this I only knew years later – my parents and my brothers went to the TV, took the money and knew the artists, while I was at the school. My parents pocketed the money and bought me some special gifts – and for special I mean clothes and a weirdo and horrible bike. Far, far away from what I really wanted...
Believe me, I was able to in the first few rides, do a somersault with that bike – and no, it was not on purpose – and warped the front wheel, which became literally an “8”. The scar I carry near to my left rib, can witness that till today.
How about you? What do you remember from your childhood?

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