Going back to my childhood again

Hey kids, don't play with electricity!
After the success that was the last post – and thanx to all my friends for their support! – And also responding to several requests, I return here to tell you a little bit more about my notorious childhood. There were many questions about what I said at the beginning of the last text, especially because people were wondering about what I did at my grandpa’s workshop.
Well, there I was me spending a weekend at my grandpa’s when I decided to stick me in to his small workshop. He used to repair umbrellas and small appliances, so he had a lot of tools there. Taking the chance of his absence, and seeing all that material at my disposal, I decided to assemble myself a Transformer. Yes, my dear friends, I picked up a plastic little truck and began to put parts on it. First, pieces of a flatiron, then parts of a radio, after that, I put some umbrella rods and to finish that, it was missing only the final touch.
That was the fuses I had to change
Thinking that I was Dr. Frankenstein myself, I picked up a wire with a plug, connected it on my masterpiece and... Connected it at an electric outlet! But instead of my little Optimus Prime get to life, the wire began to melt and then a spark pops out between the antennas, followed by a burst. The next second, I just heard my grandma screaming for my grandpa, asking what was happening. He came running and seeing my mess, took me to the fuse box and made me change the electric fuse that I had burned. Here in Brazil, at that time, the fuses were large and made with porcelain. Can you imagine how terrified I was?
Obviously I was scared to death, but I will not lie and say that I never did something like that again. Yet, that experience served to teach me that I was not able to create my own Transformer. Sad but true.
Don’t be shy and share your experiences too! I'm pretty sure that everyone will enjoy it and I’ll be glad to know that I wasn’t the only one nutcase child.

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